Get Involved

Be part of something bigger – net zero homes, businesses, schools and communities

Welcome! How can you get involved?

There are many ways to make a difference. Join us reducing emissions, saving money, going electric and helping local homes, schools and businesses together!

Personal: Check out our programs and events to reduce emissions, save money and go electric.
Volunteer: Join us providing information and events for homes, businesses and schools.
Collaborate: We collaborate with groups, businesses and all levels of Government, contact us to discuss.

Personal solutions

  1. Check out our programs and our events to save you money and emissions
  2. Join Our Big Switch: win prizes, have climate conversations and inspire others, details below
  3. Join our online group & Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn
  4. Get our quarterly updates on local events and solutions and more
    Subscribe to our newsletter

Volunteer with us

Join friendly like-minded locals doing our bit for our planet. We create resources and hold events to help homes, businesses and schools reach net zero.
Opportunities include liaising with local Council, joining a working group, organising presentations, joining Info Day stalls and electric vehicle displays, taking photos, website and social media.

Volunteer with us

Community solutions

We help groups with advice, resources and materials to help your community!
Help your community get solar for their houses, strata, businesses and schools, invest in climate solutions, go net zero, and electrify.
We can help you hold info sessions, stalls, electric vehicle displays, set up a local schools network and more.

Help your community

Our Big Switch – switch and be a local hero for zero!

We’re helping homes, schools and businesses make big switches to save money and transition to net zero by 2030.

Which switches help you reach net zero fast?

Australian households produce around 18 tonnes of greenhouse gas a year. Here are 5 key ways to reach net zero. Download our Guide for more solutions, and more details on emissions reduced and tree planting impact equivalent.

  1. Switching your superannuation, banking and investments = reduces approx 12 tonnes per year
  2. Switching to renewable energy = reduces approx 8 tonnes per year
  3. Installing rooftop solar on your housestrata and business = reduces 5 to 10 tonnes per home per year
  4. Switch to efficient electric appliances to reduce energy use as part of being a net zero home
    – Energy efficient heating & cooling reduces approx 3.5 tonnes per year
    – Energy efficient hot water reduces approx 2.5 tonnes per year
    – Insulation reduces 0.5 to 1 tonnes per year
  5. Switching to an electric car or an electric bike = reduces approx 3 T tonnes per year

We can also help your local businesses to get solar and your local school to be a net zero school!

Hear directly from Our Big Switch partners

Saul Griffith Australian Institute VideoRebecca talks about her new book

Enter to win!

Do my actions and conversations make a difference?

Yes, switching to low carbon solutions and talking about climate solutions are things we can all do for a safer climate. Research shows climate conversations with friends and family make a difference, and research shows people are considerably more likely to make low carbon switches if they know other people who are taking action.


Our Big Switch program is made possible by the 2022 Federal Volunteers Grant program, with thanks to our local Federal MP Zali Steggall OAM.

Information we collect is subject to our Privacy Policy

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We’re a Not-for-Profit run entirely by volunteers.

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