All around the world people are taking the day off to demand climate justice for everyone.
Here in Sydney, we’ll be supporting our plucky students in person and on line.
Here are some suggestions on how you can help:
Sign the pledge: Pledge that you, your group, business or organisation will stand with school strikers to oppose public funds being wasted on dirty gas & instead call on the Federal Government to #FundOurFutureNotGas by
- Resourcing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-led solutions that guarantee land rights and care for Country.
- Funding the creation of secure jobs that fast track solutions to the climate crisis and help communities recover.
- Funding projects that transition our economy and communities to 100% renewable energy by 2030, through expanded public ownership.
Join a march: Find your nearest strike and let us know let us know if you’d like to join the ZESN group – we’ll be confirming details / meeting place once Covid-19 protocols are confirmed. (NB Sadly, at the moment it looks like outdoor gatherings will not go ahead before October 18.)
Put up a sign: put up an eye-catching sign in a street facing window or in your front yard. Students love to see the support!
Show your support on social media: follow on instagram @schoolstrikeforclimate, on Facebook @schoolstrike, on Twitter @schoolstrike, or Tiktok @schoolstrike4climate. Then join the conversation using the hashtags #ClimateStrike #ClimateStrikeOctober15 and #TheYouthAreRising.
Donate to the movement.
Show the world we want climate justice for everyone.