Welcome to Zero Emissions Solutions Inc news. Behind the headlines, behind the government policies and reports, behind the technical nuts-and-bolts, there are real stories to tell which connect us all.
It seems only right to begin at the beginning, and tell the story of how Zero Emissions Solutions was founded and launched.
What was our goal? It was back in May 2019, after the Federal Election returned a majority Liberal National Party government, against all projections from three years of opinion polls. A group of locals, deeply concerned about the growing climate crisis, sat around a table in our local café with concerns. Before that day we’d been full of hope that the next Australian Government might be one which took action on climate change, but now that seemed less likely. However our community had elected a pro-climate Federal MP and we wanted to help our community to reduce emissions together.
What did we do next? Our talk quickly turned to – What we could do now? What practical actions could make a difference? That’s when our ideas began to flow. Taking inspiration from the Beyond Zero Emissions network, seven of us – Dof, Susie, Ursula, Ann-Charlott, Kirsty, Tina and Anna – decided to using our experience in science, technology, business, design, law, psychology and community impact – to join the network with a zero carbon community for our area. So Zero Emissions Solutions North was incorporated: a volunteer community group of people from all walks of life united by a common goal: taking swift, practical action on climate change.
What have we done so far? We spent months of research, consultation and brainstorming to solve questions like – what actions make the biggest impact on reducing emissions? what gets in the way for people considering taking those actions? We met renewable energy companies, rooftop solar installers, industry experts and more.
We then created a suite of programs to deliver reliable, unbiased advice on no-cost and low-cost ways households, businesses and schools can switch to renewable energy and become ‘heroes for zero’. We’ve met many amazing people in our community who have joined our core team – including Chris, Jenni, Mona, Fay, Louise, Kate, Alan, Louisa, Tania, Linda, Lesley, Harriet, Milo, Narween and Marieken. We’ve learnt a huge amount, adapted to COVID-19, and helped our community save money and save thousands of tons of carbon emissions from the atmosphere – equivalent to a small forest of trees!
Since launch in 2019 we’ve:
1. held over 70 free events with over 1,500 bookings, helping homes and businesses install rooftop solar and switch to renewable energy, electric transport, electric appliances and more.
2. created over 30 free guides, case studies and videos on our website
3. launched the Zero Emissions Schools Mosman network for all Mosman LGA schools
4. won 3 Council Grants, 1 Federal Grant, and a Council Sustainability and Climate Award
5. created the Mosman Sustainable Living Guide which Council provided to the LGA’s 30,000 residents. We’re developing further LGA specific Guides with other Councils
6. built zero emissions communities online with our Facebook Page, Facebook Group, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn; and
7. installed 13.3kW rooftop solar for local mental health charity Pioneer Clubhouse in Balgowlah.
Above all, we’ve discovered that like-minded friends and taking action are great antidotes to despair.
If you’d like to share stories, volunteer, or find out more about what we do, please contact us at electric@zeroemissionssolutions.org or sign up for our email newsletter.
Do stay in touch., we’d love to hear from you.